Call NHS 111
If it can't wait but nobody's life is at risk, call the NHS by ringing 111 for urgent medical help or advice.
Call 999
Call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
Call 112 when in another European country
112 is the standard emergency number in most European countries. You need to be aware of this number if you ever travel abroad in Europe. You should dial 112 whenever somebody's life is at risk, for example if they have suffered a serious injury.
Visit A&E
Only go to the A&E in a genuine life-threatening emergency.
Urgent Care
Get help for minor injury or illness when it’s not possible for you to wait to see your doctor.
Ask your pharmacist
Please contact your local chemist for advice about common ailments or minor illnesses.
Doctor services
Make an appointment with your doctor's surgery to discuss any medical concerns that do not require urgent attention.
Mental health emergencies
In an acute mental health emergency or for more general advice, you can get support from various charities who specialise in issues around mental health:
CALM: The Campaign Against Living Miserably – 0800 58 58 58
Anxiety UK – 03444 775 774
Mind - 0300 123 3393
Samaritans - 116 123
SANE - 0300 304 7000
The Mix (for under 25s) – 0808 808 4994
NHS 111
NHS online advice on dealing with a crisis or emergency
Dental emergency
Find out who to contact in case of a dental emergency:
The NHS England Customer Contact Centre (0300 311 2233) is who you should ring if you're struggling to find a local dentist who accepts patients on the NHS.
Stop smoking helpline
You can call NHS Smokefree on 0300 123 1044 for free help on quitting smoking from a trained expert adviser.
Alternatively, smokers can get in touch with a number of helplines for advice and support. For example:
Quit Your Way Scotland (for anyone trying to stop smoking in Scotland) – 0800 84 84 84
British Lung Foundation (for advice about living with a lung condition) – 03000 030 555
Tommy’s Pregnancy Line (can provide advice on smoking during pregnancy) – 0800 0147 800
About support services and stop smoking aids.
More support services available to contact.
Alcohol support
Call 0300 123 1110 for free to reach Drinkline, the national alcohol helpline, if you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking.
Below are some of the other organisations that can provide help and support with issues relating to alcohol:
Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain - 0800 917 7650
Al-Anon (supports people affected by the drinking problems of someone else) - 0800 008 6811
National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) – 0800 358 3456
Alcohol Focus Scotland - 0141 572 6700
National Association for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS) - 020 8458 5951
Learn more about treatments for alcohol dependency.
Search for alcohol support services in your area.
Help for Diabetes
You can call the Diabetes UK on 0345 123 2399 charity group for specialist information and advice on all aspects of diabetes. If you’re in Scotland call 0141 212 8710 instead.
Help for Insomnia
We recommend speaking to your doctor if you're having trouble sleeping. You can call NHS 111 if you can't get an appointment or you'd just prefer to talk to someone on the phone.
Helplines available to people with insomnia include the following:
Helplines for headaches, migraines and pain management
These are the people to ring if you want to discuss headaches, migraines or any other kind of physical pain:
OUCH UK (for support and guidance on Cluster Headaches) – 01646 651 979
National Migraine Centre - 0207 251 3322
Brain and Spine Foundation Helpline (run by neuroscience nurses) – 0808 808 1000
Pain Concern Helpline - 0300 123 0789
Action on Pain Helpline - 0345 6031593
Help for weight issues
For information and advice on weight issues, you can contact any of the following helplines: